
When releasing the v1 decals, we understood there would be many Wi-Fi complications due to the Wi-Fi infrastructure at varying venues. This is why we limited sales to run pilots on 150 decals across limited venues around Brisbane for three years (2017-2020). We did this as we could promptly visit site to rectify most issues, and worst case, express post replacement units. This was invaluable as it taught us:

  1. What additional reporting systems we needed to build in
  2. Over the air updating systems to make patches to specific venues / decals
  3. How to make the product more robust and to be able to use worldwide with minimal setting up.
  4. In total we have invested planning and vigorous R&D since 2017

Here is a list of venues running the pilot V1 decals:

Issues with the V1 decals

The main issue with the v1 decals (and the main push to develop the v2 decals) are:

  1. Power related issues, essentially the decals did not have enough tolerance for power fluctuation which would cause some decals to experience difficulty maintain connection to internet or occasional screen power - This has been rectified with a completely new PCB / electronics design and two power delivery options (including daisy chaining)
  2. Firmware issues spawning from original chipset – This has been rectified by using a replacement contemporary chipset with and software that bypasses issues that we experienced.
  3. Wi-Fi – The original chipset was limited to 2.4GhZ. This made the product very hard to connect into venues with many wireless connected devices - This has been rectified by using more powerful 2.4ghz & 5ghz chipset which allows much greater versatility.
  4. Over 7 years, only 10 decals had broken screens. Although not common, the screen protector was not as durable as it should have been - This has been rectified by adding tempered glass being moulded on the LCD panels to protect from ‘rowdy’ customers.

Chipset shortage prevented us manufacturing more decals and hindered supply for sales since Q1 2020. New components have been sourced and the electronics schematics has been finalised however pilot production, EMC compliance is required to be complete before they will be ready for sale. As of November 2023, chipset availability is back to pre-covid times, and pricing of components has started to normalise. As a result, we are close to releasing our v2 Digital Decals, and anticipate release Q2 2024 .

What's & still required

The list is getting shorter daily...

What's done

Essenitally as of April 2024, all planning is complete, major components are finalised in Beta stage..

What Remains

Testing v2 PCBs | Manufacturing

Electronics Design
Crawl Connect App
Electronics Manufacturing
Beer Crawl Updates

Our History

" Following in others shoes has its challenges.
Creating you own path is a world of risk, excitement, pain and reward."


crawl media asic

Partnership Formed

Crawl Media was born, development of Beer Crawl.


crawl media Beer Crawl

Beer Crawl Released

Beer Crawl Released

crawl media Live Menu

Live Menu Released

Release of Live Menu Digital Signage

Crawl Media Digital Decal Pilot

Development of Digital Decals.

Planning and development of Digital Decals.


Crawl Media Digital Decal Pilot

Pilot Decal Release

We released the world’s first digital decals at Tapworks Chermside in October 2018.


Crawl Media Digital Decal v1

V1 Decal Release

Sold first V1 Decal to Brewski Bar. Testing wireless connectivity in a ‘real word scenario’ proved problematic.
Further software development was required..

Crawl Media Keg Scales

KegScales Prototype

Working prototype developed for Keg Scales.


Crawl Media Digital Decal OTA Software update

OTA System

Over the air software update system for Decals

Crawl Media Keg Scale v2

Kegscale v2

Keg Scale v2 prototype complete (just waiting Beer Crawl work)

Crawl Media Digital Decal - Pi Zero

End supply of Raspberry Pi Zero

This meant we would need to redesign the Digital Decals.


Crawl Media - Company Pty Ltd

Partnership > Pty LTD

Setup Company with plans to dissolve partnership.

Crawl Media v2 Digital Decal

Decal PCB redevelopment

Major redesigning of Decal electronics commenced.

Crawl Media Digital Decal code

Decal Software Upgrades Released

Major Software and reporting of Digital decals released.


Crawl Media hosting

Systems Overhaul

Upgrading of systems to handle for growth expansion.

Crawl Media Digital Decal - Crawl Connect App

Crawl Connect App

Development of App scan network to report if environment is suitable for decals and to connect Decals.


Crawl Media Digital Decal new LCD

Decal new Screen

New, brighter LCD panel with tempered glass.

Crawl Media Digital Decal v2 PCB

V2 Decal PCB

The back bone of the Digital Decals, the PCB currently being manufactured and tested...

Crawl Media Digital Decal Firmware

V2 Decal Firmware

More powerful features added, Flexibility for more applications ... currently being finalised and tested...