Wi-Fi Error Codes - - Itentify connection issues at your venue

There are many factors to consider when taking Wi-Fi quality.

Complete list of Wi-Fi Error Codes - Itentify connection issues at your venue

Wifi Disconnection codes as follows

Bandwidth = internal network capacity / NOT external internet link

VOIP phone may have allocated bandwidth regardless of if they are in use.

Reason Code Meaning - Technical (from PDF) Meaning - Simplified Recommendation
1 Unspecified reason Not known 1. Restart Device
2. Restart Router & AP
2 Previous authentication no longer valid Password on router has changed 1. Restart Device
2. Wait for stage 3
3. Re connect device to wifi
3 Deauthenticated because sending STA is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS    
4 Disassociated due to inactivity Lack of transmission from Device Check power saving setting on router
5 Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated STAs Wi-Fi is overloaded, too many devices 1. Check power settings on router
2. Check station limit on router
3. Add additional AP
6 Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA Malicious: A device in venue is trying to impersonate another device by using same connection ID Router will generally disconnect both devices.
Check network security (audit all devices)
7 Class 3 frame received from nonassociated STA Malicious: A device in venue is trying to impersonate another device by using same session ID Router will generally disconnect both devices.
Check network security (audit all devices)
8 Disassociated because sending STA is leaving (or has left) BSS Error will only show on router  
9 STA requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding STA Device thinks it is authenticated, router disagrees Check network mesh configuration
10 Disassociated because the information in the Power Capability
element is unacceptable
Requested transmission power or frequency does not comply with local law 1. Check regional settings on router
2. Open support ticket with Crawl Media if located outside of Australia.
11 Disassociated because the information in the Supported
Channels element is unacceptable
Requested transmission power or frequency does not comply with local law 1. Check regional settings on router
2. Open support ticket with Crawl Media if located outside of Australia.
12 Disassociated due to BSS transition management Router has requested device to be moved to another Access Point Review network mesh configuration (disable roaming on AP)
13 Invalid element, i.e., an element defined in this standard for
which the content does not meet the specifications in Clause 9
14 Message integrity code (MIC) failure Communication fault between device and router to do with
a. malicious device
b. faulty hardware
c. excessive wireless noise (unlikely)
a. Network scurity audit
b. replace with knows good hardware
c. move AP (min 10 cm)
15 4-way handshake timeout Device transmitted authentication credentials - router did not respond 1. restart Router
2. restart device
16 Group key handshake timeout The client device transmitted its authentication details to the access point, but did not receive any response. 1. Restart Router
2. Log in to AP and restart
2. reduce number of devices trying to connect simultaneously
17 Element in 4-way handshake different from (Re)Association
Request/Probe Response/Beacon frame
18 Invalid group cipher Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
19 Invalid pairwise cipher Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
20 Invalid AKMP Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
21 Unsupported RSNE version Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
22 Invalid RSNE capabilities Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
23 IEEE 802.1X authentication failed a. password incorrect
b. authentication server misconfigured
a. reconnect device
b. contact your I.T. department
24 Cipher suite rejected because of the security policy Router supports device, but configuration rejects device review router security policy
25 TDLS direct-link teardown due to TDLS peer STA
unreachable via the TDLS direct link
26 TDLS direct-link teardown for unspecified reason    
27 Disassociated because session terminated by SSP request Router requested communication terminated 1. Review mesh network configuration
2. Update router firmware
28 Disassociated because of lack of SSP roaming agreement Router has requested device to be moved to another Access Point. Device could not locate new Access Point. Router terminated connection. 1. Review mesh network configuration
2. Update router firmware
29 Requested service rejected because of SSP cipher suite or
AKM requirement
Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
30 Requested service not authorized in this location Router security policy prohibits connection 1. Review routers security policy
2. Log a ticket with Crawl Media if outside Australia
31 TS deleted because QoS AP lacks sufficient bandwidth for this
QoS STA due to a change in BSS service characteristics or
operational mode (e.g., an HT BSS change from 40 MHz
channel to 20 MHz channel)
Router is approaching its max limit of devices 1. Check power settings on router
2. Check station limit on router
3. Add additional AP
32 Disassociated for unspecified, QoS-related reason Router terminated connection due to unknown reason Check 'Quality of Service' configuration
33 Disassociated because QoS AP lacks sufficient bandwidth for
this QoS STA
Router terminated connection due to bandwidth reason Check 'Quality of Service' configuration
34 Disassociated because excessive number of frames need to be
acknowledged, but are not acknowledged due to AP
transmissions and/or poor channel conditions
Devices transmitted a lot of data, router has not acnolodged receipt. Change Chanel of AP
35 Disassociated because STA is transmitting outside the limits of
its TXOPs
The device is transmitting when the router has instructed it not to Replace device
36 Requesting STA is leaving the BSS (or resetting) The device is reinitialising its wireless component 1. Power off device
2. wait 5 seconds
3. power on device.
37 Requesting STA is no longer using the stream or session n/a n/a
38 Requesting STA received frames using a mechanism for which
a setup has not been completed
n/a n/a
39 Requested from peer STA due to timeout n/a n/a
45 Peer STA does not support the requested cipher suite n/a n/a
46 In a DLS Teardown frame: The teardown was initiated by the
DLS peer
In a Disassociation frame: Disassociated because authorized
access limit reached
n/a n/a
47 In a DLS Teardown frame: The teardown was initiated by the
In a Disassociation frame: Disassociated due to external
service requirements
n/a n/a
48 Invalid FT Action frame count    
49 Invalid pairwise master key identifier (PMKID)    
50 Invalid MDE    
51 Invalid FTE    
52 Mesh peering canceled for unknown reasons Connection to mesh failed Review mesh network configuration
53 The mesh STA has reached the supported maximum number of
peer mesh STAs
Specific AP cannot support any more clients Connect Decals to additional AP
54 The received information violates the Mesh Configuration
policy configured in the mesh STA profile
a. Device and router are incompatible
b. bug in device configuration
a. Review mesh network configuration
b. open support ticket with Crawl Media
55 The mesh STA has received a Mesh Peering Close frame
requesting to close the mesh peering.
The router is restarting / possible router issue a. power cycle router & devices
b. check router logs / contact I.T.
56 The mesh STA has resent dot11MeshMaxRetries Mesh
Peering Open frames, without receiving a Mesh Peering
Confirm frame.
Communication Hiccup - should self resolve a. wait
b. restart router & APs
b. restart devices
57 The confirmTimer for the mesh peering instance times out. Communication Hiccup - should self resolve a. wait
b. restart router & APs
b. restart devices
58 The mesh STA fails to unwrap the GTK or the values in the
wrapped contents do not match
59 The mesh STA receives inconsistent information about the
mesh parameters between mesh peering Management frames
Device received different instruction from 2+ access points on mesh check network integrity
60 The mesh STA fails the authenticated mesh peering exchange
because due to failure in selecting either the pairwise
ciphersuite or group ciphersuite
Device and router are incompatible Add compatible Access Point
61 The mesh STA does not have proxy information for this
external destination.
Device is successfully connected to mesh network, network is offline Check internet on another device which is connected to the same AP
62 The mesh STA does not have forwarding information for this
Device is successfully connected to mesh network, but not router Check internet on another device which is connected to the same AP
63 The mesh STA determines that the link to the next hop of an
active path in its forwarding information is no longer usable.
Communication Hiccup - should self resolve a. wait
b. restart router & APs
b. restart devices
64 The Deauthentication frame was sent because the MAC
address of the STA already exists in the mesh BSS. See 11.3.6.
Malicious: One device is trying to imporsonate another device by using same MAC address Router will generally disconnect both devices.
Check network security (Audit all devices)
65 The mesh STA performs channel switch to meet regulatory
Requested transmission power or frequency does not comply with local law 1. Check regional settings on router
2. Open support ticket with Crawl Media if located outside of Australia.
66 The mesh STA performs channel switching with unspecified reason. requirements. Requested Router is chaning channel a. wait
b. restart router & APs
c. restart devices