Decal Power Cables
Decal Power Cables
Overview, components and Installation guide to power your Digital Decals:
Updated: 13/8/24
The GEN 2 digital decals have been designed to be effortlessly installed regardless of the size of the bar.
By using a high current desktop power supply, allows ‘daisy chaining’ of power cables to power multiple digital decals of a singular core cable.
Furthermore, the system has been designed to use ‘no soldering’ components, and is low voltage. Regardless of the complexity of your font type, access or other, ANYONE is able to create the power cables to suite your specific requirements!
Component List
Here are all the parts used to power your decals
This is the core power supply. It will run up to ?24? Digital Decals.
Replacements can be purchased here
This connects the 'Desktop Power Supply' to the '22AWG Wire Cord' via the '[i-type] Scotch Lock'.
This connects the 'Desktop Power Supply' to the '22AWG Wire Cord' via the '[i-type] Scotch Lock'.
The 'Decal Power Plugs' daisy chain off this main cable.
This allows daisy chaining of cables to go to the individual Digital Decals.
This is the magneic power adapter that attaches to the Digital Decal.
Follow these simple steps to power your Digital Decals.
Tools you will require:
- permanent Marker: This is required to mark the cables.
- Scalple or blade: This is required to separate the positive / negative wires of the 22AWG Wire Cord (Main Cable).
- Pliers: This is required to crimp the scotch locks
- Electrical Tape: This is required to cover the scotch lock connections to prevent oxidation.
- Cable ties: This is required to neatly attach the cables to your beer font.
Main Cable: Run this from the bottom of the LAST (FURTHEST) tap on the font [ END A] , along the font, down through the bar to were you want to mount the Desktop Power Supply [ END B] .
Keep some spair in case you want to relocate it at a later date.
Main Cable: Using the permanent marker, mark the positions where the 'T-type' Scotch Lock will be added. These should be on each tap for the font, near the center of the tap shank.
Main Cable: Use the scalple / blade to separate the positive / negative wires of the 'Main Cable'. Allow min 5-10mm on each side for the 'Scotch Lock'.
Main Cable & 'T-type' Scotch Lock: Place the wires in to the 'through' section of the 'T-type' Scotch Lock.
'T-type' Scotch Lock: Use the pliers to clamp the Main Cable in the 'T-type' Scotch Lock.
'T-type' Scotch Lock & Decal Power Plug: Add the unterminated end of the 'Decal Power Plug' to the 'out' side of the 'T-type' Scotch Lock.
- Add the positive & negative cables through the circular guides in the top of the clip
- Add enough of the cable so it reaches far enough into the clip
'T-type' Scotch Lock: Use the pliers to clamp unterminated end of the 'Decal Power Plug' in the 'T-type' Scotch Lock.
'i-type' Scotch Lock & 'Main Cable':
On [END A] of the 'Main Cable', add the '[i-type] Scotch Lock'.
'i-type' Scotch Lock: Use the pliers to clamp unterminated end of the 'Main Cable' in the 'i-type' Scotch Lock.
'i-type' Scotch Lock & 'Decal Bank Power Plug':
Add the un terminated wires of the 'Decal Bank Power Plug' into the other side of the '[i-type]Scotch Lock'
'i-type' Scotch Lock & 'Decal Bank Power Plug':
Use the pliers to clamp unterminated end of the 'Decal Bank Power Plug' in the 'i-type' Scotch Lock.