Decal Overlays > Notifications

Visual cues that display on the Digital Decals

The gen 2 decals have been redesigned for more friendly user cases.

digital decal overlays

Some clients will not want to change their beer frequently, so there is no real requirement for the Digital Decal to remain online… However.. what happens when you do need to update the content? Although the Beer Crawl bar management system shows customers exactly what is going on with every connected device, we have made unobtrusive overlays that give some of the important info at a glance – without negatively encroaching the media space.

The following messages will show on the decal to provide further insight.

digital decal no internet

No Internet
If the decal is not connected to the internet, a small overlay is shown in the bottom left corner.

digital decal - last online

Last Online
If the decal is not online, "LO" = Last Online is shown with the date and time that Beer Crawl last communicated with the decal.

digital decal - no licence

No Licence
If the decal is not being regularly updated, it does not need a paid monthly licence.
To show that the decal does not have a licence (so staff know why it cannot be updated) we display a small overlay in the bottom right corner.
Log in to your Beer Crawl account and purchase / assign licences.

digital decal - server error

Server Error
This Decal is working fine & there is connection to the internet. We are experiencing issues at Beer Crawl.
There is no need to restart the device.
Scan QR code to see status of known issues and ETA to resolve.
If no issues known, please contact us.

digital decal - Connection Limited

Connection Limited
Decal has connected to the Wi-Fi network, but cannot connect to the internet or gateway. This may be an issue with your router / IP conflict.
Use the CRAWL CONNECT APP & Contact your IT support / supplier with information provied by ther CRAWL CONNECT app.

digital decal - connection portal

Connection Portal
(basically a login page is preventing the decal from connecting)
Decal has connected to the Wi-Fi network.
It is communicating with the IP network (routers) - However - connection to the internet are being redirected or intercepted.
Use the CRAWL CONNECT APP to connect the decals to a different wireless network.

digital decal - Connection Unknown

Connection Unknown
This device may be faulty.
Please try the following:
a. Power cycle device
b. Check power delivery including power transformer and USB cables
c. If problems persist, please swap out decal.

digital decal - Communication Error

Communication Error
Communication error is used when the devices have successfully connected to the Beer Crawl server, but the information received could not be understood (maybe garbage, maybe error code). It is displayed and the server is rechecked every 6 seconds to see if a valid response can be received.
NOTE: communication error message will display up mto 3 minutes after connection has been reestablished. This is to do with the clock time sync and SSL.
a. Power cycle device
b. If problems persist, please swap out decal.